- Category : SERVICE
It All Starts at the Site.
The natural environment is at once a hindrance and a help and it is always in charge. Understanding this is the key to getting the design right. Beginning with a survey to understand the site topography, there are many questions which require answers.
Where are the view corridors? What do we want to see? What is potentially blocking us? Can we orient the way we want with the current topography? Does moving the house on the lot help our views? These questions will inform most other decisions as we go forward.
Where are we allowed to cut a driveway? How steep will it be? Can we put the garage on the “blind” side of the home?
Solar Study
Knowing how the sun will light the lot is important. We can show you exactly what the sun is doing at any time of the year, specific to your lot and orientation. Important decisions about glass, overhangs and passive solar techniques come into play during a solar study.